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2000-08-18 - 18:21:16

I'm slowly but surely getting adjusted. But I'm very bored, and I can't wait to start my classes. I don't think I've ever been anxious to start going to classes before in my entire life. I got my schedule yesterday, after spending hours upon hours trying my hardest to get it together. It's crazy, now that I have so much power over my own schedule, I actually feel responsible for it. I am taking: for the whole 1st semester- Intro to Women's Studies and Intro to Poetry. For the 1st eight weeks- Writing and Reflection on Learning. For the second eight weeks- Women's Self Defense (my mom thought this would be a good idea since I have a tendency to walk around alone after sundown), and either Western Civilization or Skills of Helping Others. I'm all about the first term, a little apprehensive but still interested in the second term.

My roommate called me last night. We talked for a long time. I think we're going to get along quite well. She's most likely moving in on Sunday. I am looking forward to her being here.

I'm just so ready for routine! I don't know what my problem is, why I'm so hesitant this week to go out, be active and enjoy this chill time. I guess I'm just not comfortable yet, and I so want to be. It's very difficult seeing this place as home. At least I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. A lot of other people have said the same.

I had a conversation with a few people at lunch about their significant others. Two of them are actually working the long distance relationship deal, but they both said they bawled when they first talked to them over the long distance wire. I'm not sure if I'm glad that I got that heartache over with in the summer or if I'm envious that they have someone to listen to them cry.

Faery drawing by Brian Froud. Border pattern by Infinite Fish. Designed by Dust.
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