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2001-08-25 - 11:08 a.m.

enough clothes to cover Europe --check
jewelry that I MIGHT want to wear --check
the ten stuffed animals I cannot live without --check
BOOKS --check
MUSIC --check
toiletries and girlie stuff --check
wings --check
devil horns --check
junk food and caffeine --check
videos I MIGHT have time to watch once or twice --check
photgraphs --check
my quilt --check
fun stuff to cover my walls with --check
stickers, stationery, journals, gel pens, all that stuff a writer needs --check
kittycat slippers --check
froggy bathrobe --check
Prozac refill --check
dried flowers in the decopage vase that Berea made for me at camp --check
tacky German souvenirs --check
computer --check

In less than an hour I will be out of here and not looking back. I just wish my dog would stop pouting. You'd think she would have adjusted by now.

Faery drawing by Brian Froud. Border pattern by Infinite Fish. Designed by Dust.
This site has been colonized by Trigmafall.