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2002-08-25 - 1:44 a.m.

Good-bye, summer.

Goddammit, why does my throat still hurt? all my other symptoms are gone. but my throat reallyreally hurts. :(

So I started the nursery job this morning. I had five kids for not more than ninety minutes. A six-year-old, a seven-year-old, a five-year-old, and two three-year-olds. It was a piece of cake. Play doh snakes and plastic spiders and crayons. Adorable, all of it.

When that was over, I SLEPT, until I worked Dining for the last time (hopefully the last time ever) then i checked the work crew posting and found out that I am, apparently, still on library. FUCK!!! I am a junior, I requested two crews, I know at least one of them requested me, this is not fair or right, so first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to the WPO to bitch. They probably won't change it, but they screwed me and they need to know it... library crew is monotonous and unchallenging... I don't care what the lorax says.

I'll be back in the classroom almost exactly eight hours from now. there's remarkably little sense of transition when you're still working your summer job the night before classes start. Full speed ahead, baby!

I really need to sleep. Leave a light on for me.

Faery drawing by Brian Froud. Border pattern by Infinite Fish. Designed by Dust.
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