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2002-08-29 - 7:00 p.m.

I slept until almost 2:30 p.m. today.

Missed my modern theatre class, for which I feel very guilty. but i guess i have a good excuse.

i'm fisting a bottle of apple juice. my throat still feels bad, and all i want to do is sleepsleepsleep. i am STILL TIRED.

i had dreams that somehow involved an amusement park, a dragon, the Godfather, a cake shaped like a horse's head that actually contained dead horse, a car hovering above the highway, and the death of Robin Williams.

yeah, so i didn't get cast in Desdemona. Didn't even get a callback. but Boh says it was preordained by some higher power, because doing a play right now would be terrible for my health.

And the latest job drama is that someone complained at the library crew meeting that i was going to class, but not to work. which makes me think that i need to leave warren wilson. i put academics at a higher priority than work, and that's not what warren wilson wants students to do.

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