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2002-09-13 - 9:30 p.m.

These are the grades I will shoot for this semester:
Intro to Writing for Media A-
East Asian Civilization B-
Creative Writing: Poetry A
Intro to Modern Theatre A-/B+
Oral Herstory A

According to my calculations, next semester I'll be taking:
Goddess Traditions
College Comp II
the course that gets me to Italy
Human Biology

I don't think that will be too hard. With the possible exception of Human Bio.

The Asian studies professor informed me that, according to Chinese medicine, your subconscious is in your spleen. What a concept that is. Though I suppose it's not that different from the idea that your emotions are in your heart. My spleen hasn't been hurting much lately, for which I am grateful. I still get worn out hella easily. That will probably last a while.

The boy has been sick for the past few days, with something flu-like. I did my best to take care of him when he was bed-ridden, but I felt inadequate because I wore myself out doing it. Mono shouldn't be called the kissing disease, it should be called the inadequacy disease.

Now let's talk about work. Work can suck it. The WPO changed its mind again *insert expletives of your choice here* "No, you can't even go to campus watch. You have to stay in the library. Sucks to be you!" Luckily, the library crew boss has been very understanding and flexible. Even though she did make comments about my attitude... maybe she forgave me once she found out I had mono... have mono... I went to see her yesterday and she said, "you're alive!" I said "yes" She asked, "are you well?" I said, "no, but I'm better." I'm worried about full days... pulled one earlier this week and I crashed for almost a full 24 hour period afterward.

I interviewed fieryangel tonight for my Oral Herstory class. It went really well. I was nervous for some reason, but then I just got caught up in it. And she's fascinating, even though she doesn't realize it. I'm so glad we're getting along so well... cannot express in words how glad I am.

Faery drawing by Brian Froud. Border pattern by Infinite Fish. Designed by Dust.
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