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2003-11-03 - 11:02 p.m.

been away from here for a while... not much has changed in my life except I'm about to withdraw from Human Bio because it simply is not worth it. I am telling the gypsy right now that sanity is a very precious commodity.

And I was Kim Possible for Halloween and it rocked my socks. My lovable boy was my sidekick, Ron Stoppable, and we went all the way to Tennessee to take my nieces trick-or-treating and they were worth the trip... a three-year-old ladybug and a one-year-old lion.

Last night was apparently the night for everyone from my past to pop up online. I talked to the high elf for a while. We had a really good talk. he has a date tomorrow night-- his first attempt at dating since me! This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, which he thought was odd. But I am happy with boy, and I want high elf to be happy with a girl. Or a boy, if he ended up swinging that way. I have every intention of inviting him to my wedding. You know, when I have one.

Then Stormy IMs me. Haven't seen that girl in over a year, and hadn't talked to her in several months. Stormy is pregnant. PREGNANT. Due in March. Wow. I did not expect that. I guess she didn't either. But she has a lot of support, and it sounds like she's going to make it work. I definitely have to go see her, especially when the wee one comes along.

Then talked to unicorn girl. She's getting married in July. I didn't even know she was dating anyone. I am so out of the loop.

You know, I can accept that I am growing up and nearing the marriage phase of life, but everyone else needs to stay the same. I feel that I should be consulted before people marry and breed. I'm the queen of the world, dammit! Respect my authoritah!

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